Tips, tricks & insights from a real estate transaction coordinator
Recent Posts
TC: What to go over in an intro call with a new agent
How to prepare to add a TC to your team
My #1 Tip for Getting Started as a Real Estate Transaction Coordinator
How to: Time Blocking for Transaction Coordinators
How to Create Your Own Contract to Close Checklist
What does a transaction coordinator do before closing?
How to: Use Email Filters for Real Estate Agents
What does a TC do after the inspection period is over?
What does a TC do when they receive a new executed contract?
Scheduling Emails for Real Estate Agents
Ever heard of scheduling emails? If you use any form of time blocking, want to show clients you are always on the ball, or just want to take a vacation, scheduling emails could be a great tool for your business. Video tutorial included!
Dotloop vs Docusign
How to use Evernote for your Real Estate Business
Why Hiring a Transaction Coordinator is Beneficial at Any Point in Your Real Estate Business
5 Email Organization Tips for Real Estate Agents
Why Being a Real Estate Agent is SO Hard
5 Unique Touches Every Agent Should Add to their Checklist
Read here for a few new ideas to boost your transaction checklist.
What is a transaction coordinator?
Curious what a transaction coordinator is and what they do?
Top 5 Ways Hiring a Transaction Coordinator can Elevate your Business
Ready to take your real estate business to the next level?