How to: Use Email Filters for Real Estate Agents

Hi agent friends!

I am back today with another email organization tip. I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again, time and time again I hear agents vent about their frustrations with email. One of the biggest complaints is always an overflowing inbox that is too overwhelming to even try and sort through. That is where today’s tip comes in: Email Filters.

Email filters are a fantastic tool that allows you to literally FILTER, what comes in your email and what happens to it. One of my favorite parts about filters is they are extremely customizable to how YOU like to run YOUR business. Prefer to never see another pesky marketing email in your inbox again? Done. Love seeing promotions but only when you have the time to sit down and do so? Done. Need important messages from your broker starred so they grab your attention every time you open your inbox? You guessed it, there is a filter for that too.

You may be thinking, “okay these sound amazing! how does it work and how do I get started?”. If you use Gmail, check out the video above for a step-by-step tutorial. In general, you need to decide the following: (This will take you about 10-20 minutes and then will save you hours!!)

  1. What is clogging up my email that I don’t need to see/doesn’t need my attention?

  2. Do I want these items to go away forever or just be filed away somewhere out of my main inbox but I can access later?

  3. Create filters for junk!

  4. What do I often miss in emails and have to go search for? (If you do step one correctly - this should improve on its own!)

  5. Why am I missing these items/how can I make them stand out so they catch my attention?

  6. Create filters for the important stuff!

Some common features of how filters can be used are: automatically archive items, star items, mark items as important, automatically send items to a certain folder, forward items, and more. Here are some examples of filter ideas specifically for real estate agents:

  • Mark ANYTHING with an attachment as important

  • Star items from certain email addresses (Broker, preferred title company, MLS)

  • Set up mass marketing emails to skip your inbox and go straight to the archives

  • Filter anything labeled “Receipt/Invoice” into a Business expense or Taxes folder

  • Make sure important email addresses mentioned above never go to spam

I challenge you to try and create just ONE email filter today. Let me know how much time it saves you sorting through your emails!


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