What does a TC do? Post-Closing

Hi friends! Today I am wrapping up my “What does a TC do?” series! The fourth and final part of this series is all about what a TC does post-closing! As my agents and fellow TCs know, just because the buyer has their keys and commission checks have gone out, does not mean we are completely done with our work. Below are the main items we take care of post-closing here at Stitched Real Estate!

  1. On the closing day - confirm closing and funding

  2. Gather post-closing documents (depending on brokerage requirements)

  3. Upload all post-closing documents to the brokerage compliance system

  4. Send out a thank you email to the buyer or seller

  5. Make sure the listing is closed in the MLS system (if applicable)

That’s the bulk of it! As your TC, we will make sure all final paperwork items are accounted for and submitted to your brokerage and that the transaction is closed out on all ends. This way, you only have to worry about popping the bubbly on closing day!

Check out the first three parts of the series below:





Transaction Coordinator How to: Be a Team with Your Agents


TC Setting Boundaries #2: Working Hours