Transaction Coordinator How to: Be a Team with Your Agents

Hi fellow TCs! Do you sometimes feel disconnected from your agents? Or out of the loop? Then today’s post is for you! In my opinion, the most successful transaction coordinators who work like a well-oiled machine with their agents run more like a team rather than a hired contractor. Here are some of my top tips on how to become more of a cohesive team with your agents!

  1. Use “WE” in communication instead of “I”

    1. This is a super simple and easy-to-implement tip that I have found makes a big difference. When communicating with a third party, using “we” to describe both yourself and the agent, makes it clear that you and the agent have discussed a particular item or that you both need to be in the loop.

  2. Tell the agents to copy you on ALL communication pertaining to the transaction

    1. Bottom line - the more we know, the better we can do our job. I tell agents not to worry about copying me on as much communication as possible, even if there is no action item for me. The more I can be aware of the transaction as a whole ecosystem, the better I can tailor my tasks and communication to suit the client’s needs and expectations.

  3. Ask the agents to inform you UPFRONT of any special circumstances for a new transaction

    1. I often tell agents, while I just need an executed contract and contact information to get started, if there is ANYTHING unique about a transaction I should be aware of, please include a little blurb in your email when sending the contract over. This way, we look aligned and like a team from the start! Examples of this would be perhaps an estate sale or trust, a divorce, or clients who live out of state. Also, if the client goes by a name other than their legal name on the contract, or if there is a third party such as a parent or child who is not on the contract, but needs to be kept in the loop on communications.

  4. Schedule a video intro call with the agents if possible to help establish rapport

    1. Here I go preaching about the intro calls again! But seriously. Absolutely, 10000% schedule an introductory call with agents when onboarding them to work with you. This sets proper expectations, establishes rapport, and makes sure you have information about how they like to work upfront. If possible, take this a step further and try to schedule a video call - this helps the agent realize you are a real person and builds rapport much faster than a phone call or email!

  5. If working with a local agent, try to schedule an in-person meeting or lunch

    1. This is a great way to connect with your agents on a deeper level! I have had the opportunity to meet some of my clients in person and it is amazing! This not only helps build more rapport so you come across more like a team but also helps build client loyalty. Like hello - I am a real person! Not a TC robot!

  6. Create a standing weekly or bi-weekly call with the agents

    1. This is a great time to not only review transactions but continue to build rapport and find out details about the agent or a particular transaction that they didn’t think to put into an email! This also helps with client loyalty and stickiness!

In conclusion, most of seeming more like a team is about being more informed and having a strong rapport with your agents. What do you do to seem more like a team? Comment below!


How I Became a Real Estate Transaction Coordinator


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